Dear valued client,
We hope that you and your loved ones are safe during this uncertain time.
My staff and I are taking the recent developments very seriously and we are operating under the guidance of the Australian Government and their recommendations for mitigating the spread of COVID-19.
The team are fully operational and will continue to be available to help you with any rope access requirements.
Our work is outdoors, and our relatively low contact with people is a low health risk and we will continue to maintain best practices in relation to the COVID-19, which we review daily.
By continuing to do our work, we also help maintain a critical base flow of economic activity and continue to provide our staff with ongoing work opportunities.
If you and your organisation have projects that you want completing whether it be rope access: window cleaning, window sealing and caulking, painting, banner installations or if you need height safety installations or anchor certifications we can still help you make that happen.
Please do not hesitate to contact us and arrange for a free quote.
Stay well.
Stan Cortes
General Manager and the team at Abseilers United