Roof anchor points are vital to protect people working at heights from falls and series injuries. Following proper procedures and using approved anchor points can sometimes mean the difference between life and death for the worker, and costly legal action for you.
At Abseilers United, safety is our first priority. Our roof anchor points meet Australian Standards, we follow the code of practice for managing the risk of falls at workplaces, and we comply with all relevant work health and safety (WHS) legislation.
What Australian Standards relate to roof anchor points?
A number of Australian Standards relate to roof anchor points and working at heights. These include:
- AS/NZ 1891 – Industrial fall arrest systems and devices
- AS/NZ 4488 – Industrial rope access systems
- AS/NZS 5532 – Manufacturing requirements for single-point anchor devices used for harness-based work at height.
Are your roof anchor points safe?
Some companies may quote cheaper prices and promise quicker turn-around times for dangerous jobs at heights, but cut corners when it comes to safety and standards.
Make sure anyone you hire complies with all relevant Australian Standards. If they don’t, and a serious accident happens, there may be legal ramifications.
When you hire Abseilers United, you can relax—you’re in safe hands. We follow all Australian Standards.
Trust the experts – contact Abseilers United today for any jobs at heights.
Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces (code of practice)
At Abseilers United, we also pay close attention to the code of practice for Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces as it has several requirements that relate to roof anchor points.
Most notably, it says: “Each anchorage point should comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 1891:4 Industrial fall-arrest systems and devices selection, use and maintenance.”
Failing to follow the code of practice may have legal implications under WHS legislation.
We take all these requirements very seriously, as people’s lives and livelihoods are at stake when working at heights and in dangerous situations.
Contact us for a quote
If you require any work at heights or dangerous work in confined spaces, contact Abseilers United for a quote. Our team of trained and experienced professionals will get the job done safely and efficiently.